Smart mechanics
The Smart Mechanics degree is an EIPHI graduate school master focusing on research and innovation in the field of Smart Structures for mechanics. (EIPHI : Engineering and Innovation through Physical sciences, High technologies, and cross-dIsciplinary research).
Smart Structures are innovative solutions for applications as vibroacoustic control (NVH), Structural Heath Monitoring, Shape Control, or Energy Harvesting for instance. Different strategies can be developed to add such new functionalities to structures as the design of complex architected technological solutions, the integration of smart materials with specific behaviors, or the development of embedded active devices with electronic circuits. The purpose of the present master is to learn students about all these emerging structures for them to become a R&D engineer in a laboratory or a company in sectors such as transport, energy, defense, or prepare a PhD.
The Master degree aims to develop skills in design, modeling numerical simulation and experiments of smart structures. As such solutions are likely to involve many physical phenomena (optical, thermal, electromagnetic, …) coupled to mechanical applications, the specialization includes methodologies for mechanical and multiphysic modeling with advanced mathematical, numerical and experimental tools
The Smart Mechanics Master Degree is associated to the Department of Applied Mechanics of the FEMTO-ST Institute. One specialization of the departement is the integration and functionalization of structures. Students work in the research laboratory for their projects, many of their teaching activities, and can carry out their internship in the premises.
Enseignements dispensés au moins partiellement en anglais
Compétences spécifiques
The learning outcomes are :
- Manage research projects and communicate on these projects
- Create and improve innovative structural control solutions (mechanical, vibration and acoustic control, health and safety, ...)
- Identify and model multiphysical problems in an uncertain context for structural control
- Develop numerical or experimental methods to solve these problems.
The program includes courses in :
- Structural mechanics, structural dynamics, Acoustics and Vibroacoustics
- Smart materials
- Microsystem design
- Modeling and numerical simulation in physics and multiphysics
- Experimental Methods for Engineering
- Advanced numerical methods
- Model Verification and Validation
- Optimization and Robust Design
- Foreign language, Team management, Communication
Cette formation est en lien avec l'unité de recherche FEMTO-ST
Monde professionnel
Secteurs professionnels
- Bureau d'études
- Ingénierie - r&d
- Aéronautique
- Automobile
- Aérospatial
- Énergie
- Défense
- Environnement
- Biomécanique
- Ingénieur de conception
- Ingénieur d'essais
- Ingénieur calculs
- Chef de projet
Codes Rome
Public visé et conditions d’admission
To be eligible for the programme, you must have been awarded a bachelor's degree in mechanics, physics or mathematics, and be able to follow a course in English.
Comment s'inscrire
You need to apply via the online platform :
Responsable(s) de la formation
Des cursus master en ingénierie sont adossés à cette formation.
Licence Sciences pour l'ingénieur - Cursus Master en Ingénierie Structures et Systèmes intelligents - Électronique et Automatique
Master Mécanique - Structures et systèmes intelligents
Infos pratiques
Ville(s) : Besançon
Contact : Scolarité de l'UFR ST
Diplôme national qui s'effectue après une licence. La formation comprend des enseignements théoriques et appliqués.
- Nombre d'années : 2 ans
- Nombre de crédits ECTS : 120